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  1. D


    @anonymouslizard I have always been a fan of snacks over meals so that’s definitely playing into this. As a grown adult, I eat a bunch of snacks like this for dinner and find kids love having the options. I’m just worried about the perspective of older parents since I’m young. Thanks for your...
  2. D


    @gausej1 That’s what I was hoping for! They get to fill up on food they like without worrying about allergens. We live in a food desert so it’s hard to find allergen free foods. Thanks! I will look into adding another carb for sure.
  3. D


    I am a 4-H agent. I am hosting a planting event for kids ages 5-10 from 9-1. We’re going to be decorating flower pots, learning about soils and seed germination, planting seeds in mini greenhouses, and planting flowers. At noon, we’re going to wrap up, eat, and complete a kid friendly...