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  1. J

    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 I'm fortunate to have two teenagers that do their own laundry. As well as a husband who is so picky about his laundry that he does his own so I don't have to worry about it. I'm only responsible for my clothes, my youngest's clothes (he's 5 and still learning to do his own laundry), and...
  2. J

    If you have 1 SAHP and 1 Parent working full time…

    @akdamar My schedule has changed a bit because my youngest just started kindergarten. But before he was in school all day, this is how my husband and I made things work: My "working hours" were pretty much the same as my husband's, with one exception- he went to work about 2 hours before my...