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    Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

    @kristalyn My first pregnancy it took me an entire year to go back to even close to my prepregnancy weight. I was 176 and went down to about 138 after a solid year... I was about 135 prior. This pregnancy I was about 175 pregnancy weight and at 2 weeks pp I was down to 154. I didn't gain as much...
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    I feel like I ruined my body by having a vaginal birth

    @thytotodile I've known people to take awhile to reoccur from a c section too. I know my healing differed from one pregnancy to the other. I felt like this second one kind of messed up my insides a bit whereas the other I bounced back pretty quick.
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    I feel like I ruined my body by having a vaginal birth

    @thytotodile Also have you received the ok to take warm baths? That helped me heal well too
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    I feel like I ruined my body by having a vaginal birth

    @thytotodile This may very well be the reason why. I wonder if you have any scar tissue from the c section causing problems. Did they suggest any kind of ultrasound? Like internal with contrast? I know with both my vaginal deliveries I felt like my insides were being pulled out by a magnet every...
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    I feel like I ruined my body by having a vaginal birth

    @thytotodile Have they said anything about it? Us this your first vaginal delivery?
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    I feel like I ruined my body by having a vaginal birth

    @thytotodile That's definitely concerning. I had 2 vaginal deliveries. My first in 2021 and it was the smoothest delivery ever. Recovery, not so much. I know it took me a good 2 months to bounce back. I remember having some very concerning clit pain that the doctors had no idea about... that...
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    St. Luke's Hospital in the Poconos took my best friend’s new born son due to prescribed medications being seen as drugs

    @lcsparacio I was asked about 3 times what medications I was taking or had taken prior and during my pregnancy. How is this news to them? Do they even have a right to take their child away?
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    St. Luke's Hospital in the Poconos took my best friend’s new born son due to prescribed medications being seen as drugs

    @lcsparacio Also, I'd definitely get the police there and I'd cause a scene. I wouldn't leave that hospital without my child