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  1. E

    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @hakoa Wow, this sounds like horrific handling by your pediatrician. I would be tempted to file a complaint. As others have mentioned, it could be HSV 1 or 2, which could be spread in a number of ways. HSV is extremely common and easily spread among caregivers and children, even cautious ones...
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    Confused about sleep and formula

    @nader1 I combo fed from the start and noticed that my daughter slept far better when we gave her formula at night rather than breastmilk. Even when I was pumping and giving her 80% breastmilk we made sure to give her formula as the last feed of the day because it was the difference between a...
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    How to support a gifted child?

    @imnathaniel I hear you. I didn’t figure out I had ADD until law school - it was only at that point that I struggled with the academic side of things, and couldn’t shortcut my way out it while still succeeding. The ADD medication actually improved a lot of things I didn’t realize were problems -...
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @pokerfaceblonde As others have said, I’d get another brand. I’m on my second baby and we’re still using the Avent glass bottles from my first - they’re great quality!
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @daxy24 I hope that’s okay because I do that constantly to avoid handling receipts! My husband feels weird about it so he always takes them, which drives me crazy.