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  1. J

    Cycle Length (X-post from r/waitingtotry)

    @pekasig345 Thank you. I'm not a huge fan of Ovia so I'll definitely give Fertility Friend a try.
  2. J

    Cycle Length (X-post from r/waitingtotry)

    @pekasig345 Thank you. I'll look into the Temping link in the sidebar. The implant was removed from my arm in the beginning of July.
  3. J

    Cycle Length (X-post from r/waitingtotry)

    @katrina2017 Thank you very much!
  4. J

    Cycle Length (X-post from r/waitingtotry)

    Hello all. I have a few concerns about how long my cycles are. A few sources online say that I could not be ovulating with how long they are. I plan on bringing this up at my preconception appointment in a couple of months but I'm curious until then. According to Ovia, my average cycle length is...