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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @yowan Hey how is your sons weight gain?
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @yowan Same with mine being in her curve but her curve is 2 percentile so it stresses me out! But pediatrician isn’t really worried just me always worrying! Lol
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @candelandsweete Emphasis On the exhausting!!! I feel you. Is her pediatrician concerned?
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @mary0608196 She will whip her head away from the bottle and wants nothing to do with trying anymore after she takes her 2/2.5 oz I constantly try but it’s basically impossible to feed a baby when they don’t want anymore
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @yamyak Really? No symptoms of reflux at all? Maybe I’ll mention it at her 4 month appointment
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @sleeplesswhite And she was eating 2/3 oz at a time ? Did it ever increase really?
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @sleeplesswhite Any issues at all is her pediatrician fine with her growth etc?
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @sleeplesswhite Yes she was born 6 lbs 5 oz and has consistently gained .5 oz a day and has been 2 percentile the whole time which still worries me but the pediatrician says not to worry too much bc she’s on her own growth curve and so on
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @sleeplesswhite Yes we are struggling to get 24 oz in 24 hours and the doctors are constantly telling me to keep trying but it’s impossible to get a baby force feed lol
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @grantkearney Did you notice an increase in ounces when switching from dr browns to the herobility?
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @alexis5 Yes I’ve tried size 2 and size 3 I think size 2 works the best for her (dr browns) but I have played with nipple size a bit
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    The biggest struggle with my four month old has been the feeding. She has been taking 2 ounces, sometimes 2.5 ounces at a time every 2-3 hours. My pediatrician says that she should be eating more at a time but I really just can’t get her to eat more. I was wondering if anyone else had anything...