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  1. S


    @amiruk Congratulations!!! I totally agree…no timeline is perfect and I see a lot of my friends who settled down and started families right after college struggling in their relationships now (many are thriving too of course!) and even compared to when I had my boys I feel a little more stable...
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    @herbiemailey Congratulations! So with you on that. I want a full, crazy, busy household for a couple more decades anyway!! Family life is a joy. Thanks for reminding me of one of my reasons to go for 3♥️
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    @fathersjoy That is so helpful and I’m sure you’re right. It makes me think…what casual comments have I made in an attempt to connect with someone but unknowingly hit a nerve or touched on a area of insecurity??? Definitely makes me want to be more sensitive to where others are coming from in...
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    @msee This is helpful to hear! Sounds like we’re living in very similar environments ♥️ most of my friends were married right after college and went on to start families immediately. I didn’t meet my husband until 28 and I’m so glad I waited for him! It’s good to remember that we all have our...
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    @2vdave Not harsh, honest and helpful! I appreciate it!!
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    @audim0923 Thank you!! ♥️
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    @woom96 Such helpful perspective, thank you!!! ♥️
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    @l2becomecl Thanks so much. Yes…we need to get with the times around here!!
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    @vailmont That’s helpful to remember. Funny how regional it is!! I’ve always felt youthful and energetic…it’s alarming to suddenly be categorized in a new way?? I don’t feel “old”!!
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    @bkegler27 Thanks so much, you’re absolutely right. We weren’t ready before, and this is the baby that is meant to join our family. Obsessing over what other people say won’t do any good♥️
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    @mhm4him When I decided to try, my OB said “you’d be a young first time mom in Toronto!” And while I was encouraged at the time, ever since then I’ve been very aware that I am NOT in Toronto😅 but it does help to remember, zooming out of my region I may feel less isolated!!! Thank you!!!
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    @safestart Thank you, kids are such a gift and I’m so thankful I get to be her mom. Perspectives like you have shared are very encouraging!! ❤️
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    @harmony48 I think I need to move!!! Haha. Thanks for this perspective. I didn’t even meet my husband until I was 29 so being a “young mom” was never going to be my reality anyway. I’ve never even noticed other moms ages so it’s bizarre I am fixated on it t now!! I’m hoping it’s hormonal!!
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    After sitting on the fence for several years, my husband and I decided to go for baby #3. We have 2 boys, ages 5 and 7 (almost 8). We now have a baby girl, due in early July. I’ll be 38 by the time she arrives. Im tired but it’s been a blessedly uneventful pregnancy so far, physically anyway...