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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @jandolphrohnson Yes as a t1diabetic, GD is it's own thing. So many just act like it's t2 while pregnant. And YES to the needing more carbs frequently to stabilize. That's absolutely true, even for t1diabetic pregnancies.
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    How unlucky was I?

    @luckyshoulder99 This is giving me hope for my second delivery, expected in 8 weeks.
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    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @johhnyd Yep. And you have to be eligible for FMLA to get the paid time. So I didn't get it either time I had a baby (April 2020 and Dec 2022) because I had to reduce my time working to 55% due to lack of childcare after my first was born. COOL. We also don't get state disability benefits...
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    Easter Basket Ideas

    @brazilianchristianlady We only use hard boiled eggs too. I refuse to buy those plastic ones.
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    Mastitis - both sides

    @jaenalyn Yes, listen to this. I have a rare chronic inflammatory mastitis and this is all correct. Practice BAIT - breast rest, advil (ibuprofen), ice, tylenol. Don't use heat, don't massage it a lot, don't starting feeding/pumping more than you normally would. Basically just leave things...
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    Favorite shows?

    @aktsumi netflix: puffin rock, trash truck, waffles and mochi amazon: give a mouse a cookie PBS: favs are sesame street, donkey hodie, daniel tiger, dinosaur train, but I let them watch any of the age appropriate shows on PBS.
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @dundermifflinfarmer I think the only way to measure this would be surveying mothers who don't know the gender while pregnant. I think it's probably completely gender bias in this survey, in my uneducated (no science or statistics degree) opinion.