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  1. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 Yeah. That’s the first step in critical thinking and being able to understand different points of view. I’m not trying to be an asshole. I’m genuinely trying to help you get something out of this post, because a lot of people aren’t engaging with you. As to why that is, I think it’s...
  2. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 Sweet. Hopefully my advice helps you do that.
  3. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 I mean this really sincerely: question every statement in your OP. Or at least show your evidence for those statements. What kind of engagement are you hoping to get out of this post?
  4. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 I’m sorry, it really doesn’t clarify. You’re presenting a lot of opinions as absolute fact and framing your questions and conclusions around them. It’s like coming into a cleaning sub and going, “we all agree that lard is the best cleaning solution, so why are people still using windex?”
  5. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 Wait, I’m confused. Are you making an argument that there’s a biological element to modern military careers..? Or are you saying it’s a social thing? Like we’ve been socially conditioned to say “boys fight in wars, girls raise babies?” Sorry, you have a list of things you aren’t...
  6. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 Okay, so you’re saying you would support those initiatives based on the belief that mothers are biologically designed to take care of children? (or however you want to phrase it, the gist being that mothers = better caretakers to their children—I’m not going to nitpick phrasing.) I...
  7. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 Ok. So how does that translate into real world implications? Based on that conclusion, would you support people who’d seek to bar mothers from entering the military, or conversely, prevent men from being caregivers to kids?
  8. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 What conclusion would you draw from that?
  9. K

    Conscription in Wartime & S-A-H-Parenting (aka SAHD =/= SAHM)

    @mandy123 I don’t mean to cross the threads here, but since you directed me to this comment, I have a few follow up questions. How do you define a SAHP? Is it any parent who spends any amount of time away from work to be with their child? Or is it someone who has left (or never entered...