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  1. M

    Christmas gifts for coparent that you don’t actually like

    @sabrinawellard No way to a gift for the latest partner. Gift for parent only and if you can find a craft that’s cheap, even better. If kid asked about the partner and partner’s kid, I’d say it’s dad’s job to take him shopping for them.
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @guardianone Thanks for this. Aligns with my opinion of the American family court: parental rights over child well being and cooperation. Most things I let go, but contact with our child is one that gets me. I’m sure he knows this too, as his banning was in retaliation for me supporting our...
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @geldastriz My calls were scheduled and then the videos (of me saying good morning/good night, love you) were available to him. If he chose to not watch them and requested they stop, I would. I’ve never been told they upset him and if I was informed of that, I’d work to find a solution between...
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @adebola68 Yep, kid wants the contact. He’d prefer a video of good morning/good night but I’m not sure that’s enforceable. FaceTime is safer. And I’m okay if he doesn’t engage. Just want it to be available to him without dad’s interference.
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    Does anybody else enjoy coparenting?

    @sedonarose I enjoy actually getting a break. Coparenting not so much.
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @tanyastark He is expressing he wants the contact. I’d love to avoid anything with his father and wouldn’t bother if it didn’t bother my child. And yes, I’m in therapy and watch to make sure I’m projecting that I’m okay/happy he spends time with dad, and am not worried about him while he’s...
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @jlamb1 Thanks for telling me your opinion. It’s what I’ve been thinking but it’s hard for me to believe people are like that. I appreciate including the time allowed too, because that could be an issue later. I like that you’re flexible enough to let your son go shorter - it sounds like he has...
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @andrewkl I super duper appreciate your long post. I’m glad someone called out my ex is being manipulative - I’ve wondered. He often agrees and then flips (for example in summer we both agreed to no candy outside of dinner and now candy for breakfast with zero communication and if I bring it up...
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @andrewkl So, I’d agree that some kids and families do that and it’s fine. I originally didn’t call when the split happened but then my kid said it made him feel like I didn’t want him. So I started, and took his requests into consideration about how often. Then when the tv happened, talked with...
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @andrewkl He’s 5. It’s 50/50
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @kaelyne87 Yes child tells me about candy for breakfast. He told me unprompted about the thing he was doing when I called. I didn’t ask because I didn’t want him to feel bad for being a kid and making a kid decision. And thanks for the rest. I really appreciate hearing how the courts will see it.
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    @ian74 He’s 5, it’s 50/50
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    Contacting child when with other parent

    Hi everyone, I need some advice. I’m the typically high strung, helicopter parent and my coparent is very decidedly the ‘fun’ parent who gives out candy for breakfast and who blames me for all the problems. The split happened within the last year, and at first I sent postcards and notes with...