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  1. D

    Based off old wives tales what would they say you’re having v.s what you are having?

    @cjr86 Husband and I were thinking girl from the moment we found out. I've been super tired and nauseous. Chinese gender chart said girl. Mom had a dream before we even told her and we had a girl in it. The only old wives tale that fit it being a boy was I was craving savory, while sweets...
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    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    @joeestacy Talk to a social worker about applying for Medicaid. The worst they can say is no. They've covered everything my insurance wouldn't and the social worker did everything for us. She was amazing.
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    Visitors immediately post c-section

    @cbmiller You will be healing from a majority surgery and will be in a very vulnerable position. I never felt more vulnerable than after my c-section. You need to feel safe and your husband's top priority should be you and the baby, not his mom.
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    Discharge with feeding tube

    @this_dot I felt similar, but after having her at home and getting to know her, we're trying again. In spite of everything, we are still so lucky.
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    Discharge with feeding tube

    @this_dot She's had it since she was 3 months, which was last July. We're looking at at least another year with it. She took her first couple bottles okay, then got worse and worse and developed an oral aversion. We're thinking it had to do with her reflux issues. It's not difficult at all...
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    Discharge with feeding tube

    @this_dot G-tube mom here. This is just a way to make sure she's getting everything she needs so she can go home and grow successfully. The fact that she can take her bottles most of the time is fantastic and hopefully you won't have to rely on the tube for long.
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    Visitors immediately post c-section

    @justjude This is great. I'll have to remember this one for future use lol.