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  1. P

    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @snugz I’ve actually thought of that before, but then kinda forgot about it. I know someone who does something similar. Thanks for the reminder!!
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @rishley It’s good to hear that you enjoy being at home! I have been looking forward to it for sure, for however long I’m able to do it. And it’s nice to know I’m not the only one in this position. I didn’t think about the social aspect of working either. Very true! Thank you!
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @onestrongwriter Thanks so much!!! I will def check it out! After reviewing many of the comments, I realized that I may need to re-evaluate my negative thinking on teaching/tutoring. I had a bad experience with my last job and I think I’m just fearful of having to go through the experience...
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @missflora Wow. You bring up a good point that I would def be exhausted after caring for my kid all day. Working as a server in my 20’s won’t be the same in my 30’s with a kid. Def something to consider. I’m down for some side gigs tho. I just gotta find what would work best for my skill set...
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @hungryjoe22 Hmmmm. Haven’t considered that. I’d have to give it some thought. Thanks for the idea!
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @andreythegreat Yikes. My husband says he wants to do it, but we will have to see. He has an older son and he missed most of his childhood unfortunately. It still eats at him. He wants things to be diff this time. So, I’m hopeful that he means it. We shall see!
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @andreythegreat Yeah. If I do part time, we def won’t be able to afford child care. That’s why I was thinking of a part time night gig so my husband can take over when I’m working. Otherwise, I’d need a full time gig that’s pays enough to cover childcare plus some. I just don’t really want to go...
  8. P

    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @andreythegreat Yikes! That’s a lot. One aspect I liked about teaching college was not having to deal with parents. A lot of people keep bringing up tutoring. I may give it some more thought.
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @katrina2017 Thanks for your input. Unfortunately, I don’t have any family around. It’s just me and my husband. A babysitter may be a good idea while I do some daytime work. Tutoring is an option, but it’s not on the top of my list. I’m with you on the mental health aspect. And I know all jobs...
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    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @mem5 Wow. You are right. I didn’t even realize I was viewing things in this way. I know tons of people that work in fields outside of what they went to college for. I’ve been so narrowly focused— and I don’t even really know why?!? It’s like I put myself into a box I didn’t need to be in...
  11. P

    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @mem5 Thanks!! That’s what I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around- not using my degrees!! It feels like I wasted so much time and money. But, I’d rather be happy than feel stuck in a stressful job I loathe. I’m sure my thoughts are quite normal for anyone in this situation. Just gotta...
  12. P

    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    @ryanb92 Very true. It’s been a thought. I’ve tutored before. I def can’t do it when I’m home alone with my daughter, but it could be something to pick up in the evenings. But really, I’m not sure if I want to tutor. While I’m holding onto my adjunct job, I do want to get away from teaching...
  13. P

    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    Hello. I’m almost a SAHP! Due in about 2.5 weeks. The plan has been for me to stay at home, while my husband works. Here is some background. I’ll try to keep it short. My husband works in construction as a pipe fitter. He is a union worker and often travels for work (like, away for months on a...