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  1. 4

    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @johnd I agree it’s doable. I just flew from the US to Japan and back mostly on my own with 3 kids (6, 3, 1). It had rough moments, but the flights themselves weren’t too bad. It can definitely be terrible if toddler has a bad day and is screaming the whole time. Or if they are super active...
  2. 4

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @tshane Co-sleeping in a controlled environment is so so so much safer than chair sleeping. I totally understand your situation because I have had Velcro babies too, and I’ve been at that exhausted state too, but please co sleep rather than chair sleep. Look up safe co sleep.