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  1. D

    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @ajamure Wow, tough one! You'll hate this, but it depends. If you are with children with lifesaving skills (they can control their breathing, float and traverse a distance), then you can likely supervise several children at a time. If the children have no lifesaving swim skills, then one on one...
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    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @storm1294 Fear of the water is a red flag. You might want to try a different teacher, class, or type of class. If she is in her second year, she should have some flotation and other safety skills. Find a way to reinforce these skills in a positive way where she is having fun and interested...
  3. D

    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @followingjesusdaily1975 We don't recommend that anyone of any age swim alone and there should always be a responsible person who is watching the swimmers. Ideally the supervisor should be trained in CardioPulmonary Resuscitation, have a cell phone handy (but not on it), be skilled enough to...
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    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @ccfd1414 Congratulations on recognizing that the wonderful pool in your backyard is a hazard! Layers of protection are key and it seems that you are already well on your way. Four-sided isolation fencing that separates the pool from the house and yard is the best studied intervention. Others...
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    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @richardson217 There may be some things online but you should pursue scholarships to learn to swim lessons. Groups like Judah Brown Foundation and Live like Jake provide assistance for learn to swim. Being able to teach your own child is challenging and it's often best to find a class. But...
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    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @tenorikuma That is exactly right. It is that quick and that quiet! And kiddos don't know what they can and can't do. She may not know that she can't swim, especially if she's always worn some type of flotation aid. That's why it is so important that kids learn lifesaving skills (like...
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    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @lois2013 if you are one on one with the child, let them learn what the water is like and begin to understand their skills. If you are outnumbered by non- or weak swimmers, then it might be a good idea to use a flotation device. Just make sure it fits well and is US Coast Guard approved...
  8. D

    We are water safety experts from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance! Ask us anything about keeping kids safe near water!

    @czilla85 hey, great question. it is impossible to know exactly which one is best. US Coast Guard approved flotation devices that are properly fitting are great but remember that these will keep your child in the upright position. This will limit their ability to learn and practice their...