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  1. R

    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @rhavon I’ve read so many stories of women going in a few days later and things looking completely different, however, the two empty sacs were measuring 4 to 4.5 weeks, putting me 1.5 to 2 weeks behind what I should have been, so it was impossible to come back from that. We didn’t have sex after...
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    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @absss123 It really is so wild the things you hope for. One minute you’re hoping you see that second line and the next you’d give anything for this to be a straightforward (if that’s even an appropriate word) miscarriage instead of ectopic, etc. I have zero clue what to expect at my ultrasound...
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    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @absss123 Ugh I’m so so sorry. Hoping it declines. Sending you so much love ❤️🫶🏻
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    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @absss123 Ugh I hope they see something in your uterus. That was my biggest prayer/wish when I thought mine was ectopic. The good thing about working with a fertility clinic is that they monitor closely so there’s waiting, but you’re not waiting weeks or even a month to find out what’s going on...
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    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @casscass Just messaged you :)
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    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @casscass I am truly so sorry you are in this limbo. It really messes with you mentally. That sliver of hope being dangled in front of you, that what if, is so hard. Praying for a miracle for both of us! They stopped taking my betas after the 7th one so at least that’s one less thing for me to...
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    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @rocknrobbins27 Taking it one single moment at a time is exactly what I’m doing but it’s unbelievably hard. I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish I had the words. I’m just heartbroken and no words I say are enough. Your last two words made me smile. Keep going. Same to you. Keep going.
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    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    @daybreaker The wait is just torture. Praying for that miracle but knowing the odds are against me just hurts. We barely were able to do our first IUI due to my husbands numbers so we were headed to IVF. The clinic wasn’t doing IVF during the holidays so we did “One more. Just to try” And here...
  9. R

    How to prepare for what seems inevitable?

    TW: impending miscarriage, heartbeat after miso, small sac, bad HCG numbers… I don’t know where to post this… I don’t belong in the miscarriage sub yet. I guess I don’t belong anywhere. I just need to get it all out because I feel so alone. Long story short, I’m pregnant from an IUI. HCG...