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  1. J

    Do people with kids work *harder*?

    @whitm11 I find for me, since having a child I’m just having to be always “on.” I don’t get to sleep in on the weekends as much, I don’t get to come home and just lay down on the couch and watch TV. Because of that I feel like my adrenaline kind of carries it into my work life too. In 48 hours...
  2. J

    I want to live in another state for 1-2 months of the year, is this an attainable goal with a 7 month old?

    @lostinabook We have an Au Pair. It may be a good option to look into for y’all. It’s more expensive than daycare at the end of the day, but relatively affordable for having someone who lives with you. Most of the girls who sign up want to travel. I’m not sure what the agency’s rules around an...