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  1. E

    Your experiences formula feeding in public

    @highlyfavoured Ha! I’m also on the west coast and my baby is formula fed and is in the first percentile for weight so 🙃🫠 babies come in all sizes so people need to STFU! But yes you’re right, I feel like most people I know BF their babies and there is a lot of judgement there. Luckily I had...
  2. E

    How do I stop worrying about the “numbers?”

    @hasibiz My baby girl is 4 1/2 months and I also had a very similar experience as you. She was born 5 lbs. 9 oz. and Dr was on me all the time about getting her to eat more because she wasn’t gaining fast enough. I had to do weight check after weight check. At her four month check up she was...