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  1. D

    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @james02s40 I don’t think you’re unreasonable for not wanting to take your twins to a restaurant- mine are 14mo and it would be no fun for anyone and no end of stress. Agree with the previous poster that coffee and cake is a good compromise- mine can manage 15 mins or so in a cafe, especially if...
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    What’s worse.. c section recovery or being pregnant with twins?

    @toniboykin84 Definitely, they may surprise you but a good idea to be prepared for a section if not. Good luck with the birth!
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    What’s worse.. c section recovery or being pregnant with twins?

    @toniboykin84 There is still time for twin a to move. My twin b didn’t go head down until around 35 weeks so they can move at a late stage. I haven’t had a section but I had an episiotomy and double forceps delivery for my twins and even the recovery from that was much better than late pregnancy!