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    Toddler sleep: at my wits end

    @wolfsgold Yeah I was super nervous about it and almost canceled but then someone said to me "why are you worried? She is still with her other parent" and I was like.... that's a very good point.
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    Toddler sleep: at my wits end

    @wolfsgold So my 11 month old was similar until about 2 weeks ago.. she cosleeps and would wake up to nurse usually 3-5 times overnight ...she does start the night in her crib after she is nursed to sleep and I bring her to bed with us at her first wake up which used to be 11 or 12. I went away...
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    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    @markeita I think it depends on your baby's mobility.. I did this with my 8 month old last night because she has a terrible cold and could only breath being held up a bit. We cosleep and neither of us move a lot in our sleep. Also she is able to crawl and pull herself up so I am less worried...
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    How do you dress baby at night?

    @jamessomasette We keep house at 68 at night. Baby gets footies and a bamboo sleep sack. She sometimes ends up with the blanket up to her waist but she is 10 months and walking so I am really not concerned about overheating/suffocation at this point because she can and will move if she is too...
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @knowthycell This made me laugh so hard