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  1. J

    Are my concerns not worth choosing not to have another, and will I regret it?

    @jello123 It’s so hard! Hang in there and know that either decision is totally valid. And having a second is tough even if you end up wanting another, easy baby or not! FWIW also consider its valid to prioritize your current approach but maybe you will want to explore options like daycare if...
  2. J

    Are my concerns not worth choosing not to have another, and will I regret it?

    @jello123 I was unsure and the biggest reason I chose to have my second is that I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t. Like, I’d always look back and think “what if.” And given how much I loved my first, I felt confident I would NOT have the same reaction to having the second (meaning all the...
  3. J

    Are my concerns not worth choosing not to have another, and will I regret it?

    @kik899 Yup. Same! And my daughter was five. We even had to do IVF for the second which added to it all. But yes, my pro/con was similar and you described the feeling exactly