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  1. J

    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @puckharist Ok, so I was told not to worry (after seeing someone who was concerned initially) as they were didi and both still growing nicely. I duno if that helps you. Ask exactly at your next appointment if this is an issue and if so what the plan would be. I hope my situation is a bit of comfort
  2. J

    34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?

    @puckharist What kind of twins are they? My DiDi were massively different even from 6 weeks. My boy was always 2 weeks ahead. They were didi so it didn’t really matter in terms of TTTS. Mine were 36.6 weeks and were 5lb1 and 7lb2! Has there always been a difference?