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  1. T

    How to stop a 10YO kid from reading my messages?

    @futuredreamer That's a great point! I have a drawer full of old phones that would do this job..I just didn't think of it.
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    would you let your child go to a music concert alone?

    @tumini1 Yes of course. You're an adult. At 18, both my daughters had left home and were either working or in uni. They were doing their own thing and I trusted that they were smart enough to take care of themselves.
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    How to stop a 10YO kid from reading my messages?

    @acts1038 Oh well, in that case you are just going to have to say no to her using yours. It's beginning to look almost like she wants yours specifically to dig around in your messages etc, as there isn't really another reason if she has her own device to use.
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    How to stop a 10YO kid from reading my messages?

    @acts1038 Password protect your phone. If you have the spare cash, get a cheap tablet for her to play with instead.
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    Feeling like a failure

    @thudomi1582 Yeah, 4 kids 5 and under...that's a lot of work. I had three under 9 and all was chaos. Maybe, if you could work this into your lives (assuming you don't do it already) try and get some one on one time with your eldest. Either you or your partner. He may be playing up because he...
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    Feeling like a failure

    @thudomi1582 Is it possible that the way school is, with every second of the day accounted for and every activity scheduled, suits him better than the less structured home environment? I'm honestly guessing here, I'm trying to fit the puzzle pieces together.
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    Feeling like a failure

    @thudomi1582 Yes that is curious, because I would have assumed that he would show the same struggles with impulse control and emotional regulation that he does at home. I don't know much about ADHD, but you say you have it and you can see the similarities in your son's behaviour. How did you...
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    Feeling like a failure

    @thudomi1582 So he's doing better in school. They aren't having problems with his behaviours?
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    Feeling like a failure

    @thudomi1582 Hi. Is your partner recognising that your son has speech problems and is he getting help for this? Getting speech therapy might be the first step in identifying other problems he may have. Is he in school? How's he doing there? Finally, diet. Cutting the junk/processed stuff...