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  1. M

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @donw1245 Does not matter. I heard them saying “morphine” and “fentanyl” before my c section but the tugging sensation still made me sick and they had to knock me out when they were sewing me up 😅
  2. M

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @donw1245 16 minutes is so goddamn long
  3. M

    SIUGR baby

    @protectthenest Even down to “who should I pick up first”
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @ajewelinhiscrown I’m super confused. It’s wrong to get/use a napkin? I would think it’s positive that she wants to wipe her mouth? Genuinely asking. Edit: nvm, you must mean like a cloth napkin. I was thinking you meant like a napkin dispenser from the middle of a table.
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    @ajewelinhiscrown Ngl, it sounds like you are catering to a child. She’s calling the shots. ETA I agree with everyone else. Just let her play. And I’m not saying you’re failing at all.
  6. M

    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @ajewelinhiscrown Dead ass as soon as I read the first sentence I checked the username and yep. Op please get help, said with love.
  7. M

    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @arrows I commented above that as soon as o saw the first sentence I knew it was him.
  8. M

    My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

    @lavecilla This is why I’m not teaching. I don’t love my job enough to work to work. No shade, I totally miss getting out of the house, but not enough.
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    It’s hard for me to not feel resentful over my spouse working so much

    @foreverhis84 Haha, mine isn’t actually Emily but close enough! My username is Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter’s snake. I’m ✨sooOOOOooO quirky✨ Haha
  10. M

    It’s hard for me to not feel resentful over my spouse working so much

    @foreverhis84 Omfg are you me?!?! Also a teacher w/an ex-active duty military partner. He is getting ready to go back into foreign affairs (it’s literally dangerous for me to get too far into it here), and we will be a LOT…like…significantly more than double a lot more comfortable in a few...