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  1. D

    Why I'm quitting

    @osvaldo Fortune 500 here - record YoY profits in the six I’ve been there. I also had an unplanned emergency C section and also had the 2 extra weeks off thought as they were wheeling my terrified ass back to the OR. Felt both guilty that I even get leave as well as a general WTF why am I even...
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @banlawya 2-3 overnight feeds with my currently 6.5 month old.
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    Too affectionate with toddler?

    @bellzybee I’ve worried about this as well so this thread is so super welcomed. I read every reply. I am very affectionate with my toddler and he is very confident and caring. His daycare teachers call him “Mr Empathy” because he will ask teachers and students “how are you feeling?” With genuine...
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    Countdown until I will be a sahm

    @chapisag Wow it’s like reading my own journey from one to two! I kept my job until the birth of number two and am not sure if I’ll go back after my maternity leave is up. I totally agree pregnancy two is so much harder and my team treated me poorly since I announced the pregnancy!!! Just hang...