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    Away from my baby

    @jemstone Yeah I was in med m and baby for 3 days but I kept getting fevers up to 102.5 so I couldn’t possibly take care of him properly. My husband ended up bringing him in on the 3rd day after I had a surgery and he started with me until discharge. Baby is the best post op support.
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    Away from my baby

    @mirele lol I meant smiling. It’s autocorrect😂
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    Away from my baby

    I gave birth almost 7 weeks ago, 4 weeks ago I had a D&C. Now I ’m in the hospital again. I have a bad infection and my fever keeps sky rocketing, dr can’t figure out what it is. It’s going to be day 3 that my baby and I haven’t seen each other. He’s home with dad and grandparents . I’m worried...
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    7 Weeks - When Can I Let Him Sleep For Longer?

    @tonemonkey Mine is 5 weeks and I was so scared to stop setting alarms because I felt like he’ll sleep thru the night. We had incidents when I slept thought an alarm and he slept for like 5 hours at 3 weeks (he was back to his birth weight and a little more at 10 days). Everyone kept saying let...