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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @aniday I haven’t. Ever since our split in September he hasn’t wanted more time other than every other weekend. At first I always pushed for him to get them more often and spend more time but he never did. He would only ever wanna get the kids when he couldn’t control me or just to hurt me...
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @spookydawg77 Thank you for this. I needed to hear this. Speaking for myself As a mother i think the absolute worst and don’t want my baby’s experiencing any kind of hardship or trauma but i love the way you explained to look at it. A perfect life with no problems is not even realistic to...
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @liaamsmithh95 Thank you for this. I appreciate all your advice and input. I do understand all the adverse affects this kind of situation causes and that’s why I’m so worried. It’s very unfortunate. He definitely has severe narcissistic personality disorder as my therapist says and is 100%...
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    Let me add he wants to use the kids and put them in the middle to involve them cause he knows that will hurt me. I try and keep them out of adult problems and shield them from this but that is his main goal is the involve them.
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @napoliana That gives me hope 🥺 thank you. And I’m so sorry as well you’ve had to go through this. It really is a living nightmare. It’s a different kind of hell. Idk what I did to deserve this life but NOBODY deserves this.
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @napoliana That is absolutely horrible but I am glad he sees who the problem is. One of my biggest fears is him brain washing my boys and eventually them turning on me or believing his lies. So I’m glad that’s not your case and hope it isn’t mine either!
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @napoliana How are your children now since it’s been going on so long ?
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @rosethepoet This is perfectly said!!!’ Thank you so much for this. Definitely helpful because I’m always at a loss at what to even say to the kids being there so small still. Thank you!
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    @fishunt83 Thank you for that! I have been advised that before as well to only communicate with him through email. I can take all the abuse, he wishes death on me everyday, hopes I get into a car accident and so on, the name calling , I can take it and wish it was only done to me but when it...
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    I’m at my breaking point dealing with a narcissistic ex who I have 2 children with. How can I protect my kids

    They are 3 and 6 and I don’t know what more to do. I currently have a restraining order in place and also full custody but he was granted visitation of every other weekend. The restraining order means absolutely nothing to him and he is constantly violating it and I have called the cops...