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    Exclusively pumping 3 weeks pp.

    @zoznoz A happy and healthy mom is what is best for the baby. If that version of you exists more readily and more consistently by formula feeding, then absolutely make that choice. Fed is best. A mom in a good mental state is best. Making choices to support your mental health is being a good...
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    To switch or not to switch - gassy baby

    @mekon It was the worst three days of our lives that followed those demon drops 😂. We were kicking ourselves.
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    To switch or not to switch - gassy baby

    @epistletimothy Our doctor put our LO on famotidine Rx for reflux, which helped. She also recommended Mylicon gas drops and probiotics. Neither helped and the probiotics made him worse, so we discontinued those. So many have great success with those though. We are on nutramigen formula and that...