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  1. S

    Bedsharing Question

    @disciplechad It is a pacifier :)
  2. S

    Bedsharing Question

    @disciplechad I have had success in this, and with a baby who absolutely would not transfer and would only contact nap. What I will say is that every baby is ready at their own pace for this transition and it's all about tiny steps. I spent weeks in each phase of this. 1) I put the crib...
  3. S

    I need stories of your kiddos moving to their own sleep space

    @bloodboughtchad You are not creating a dependent monster. You really cannot spoil a 2 month old. Like not even a little. My 10 month old is now in his own room and I am in a single mattress on his floor right now. He was a contact napper until 5 months old when I was finally able to transfer...