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  1. C

    Hey low suppliers, when did you stop breastfeeding?

    @oceanbreeze4evr Been trying to increase my supply for 5 months, baby hates breastfeeding due to my low supply. I'm giving up now 😭 so hard to accept.
  2. C

    Hey low suppliers, when did you stop breastfeeding?

    @oceanbreeze4evr Yeah it's probably not much right now what he's getting, I'm going to try to latch him as much as possible and maybe my supply could increase. If not it's okay, I'll take what I can get to bond in this way however long I can ❤️
  3. C

    Hey low suppliers, when did you stop breastfeeding?

    @oceanbreeze4evr Hi I'm back, so my baby has always hated breastfeeding for the most part and I was getting drops pumping so I gave up pumping and breastfeeding a few weeks ago, but all of a sudden my baby started latching! I would bottle feed like half the amount he normally feeds so he isn't...
  4. C

    Hey low suppliers, when did you stop breastfeeding?

    @oceanbreeze4evr Hi, I'm back. So I gave up breastfeeding and pumping a few weeks ago because my baby was not a fan of breastfeeding and my pumping output became less and less. But randomly, baby latched on mother's day! I've been feeding him till about halfway with his bottle and then latching...
  5. C

    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @pjnovak Wow I totally understand what you are going through 😔 I have a similar story. Eventually after 4 ish months of trying I gave up on both BF and pumping due to baby seeming to hate it and pumping was weighing on my mental health. Miraculously baby latched around 5 months cause I would...