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    How far do we go to help a teen who doesn’t want to help herself?

    @tmark938 Her school needs a referral from her pediatrician in order to qualify her for virtual learning. Her pediatrician refuses to approve the request, because “it doesn’t solve the underlying issue.” Meanwhile, the shrinks can’t seem to figure out what the underlying issue is, and everyone...
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    How far do we go to help a teen who doesn’t want to help herself?

    @djunehor She doesn’t have a particular school in mind. She just doesn’t want to return to her current school a year behind her peers. I’d feel the same.
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    How far do we go to help a teen who doesn’t want to help herself?

    @apologette She has consistently denied being bullied or harassed.
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    How far do we go to help a teen who doesn’t want to help herself?

    @letterforms This is a very helpful perspective. Thank you!
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    How far do we go to help a teen who doesn’t want to help herself?

    Our 15-year-old has been stuck in a sad, angry place for about a year. She has refused to go school for the past 4 months, and is halfheartedly following along with her studies at home. She is now failing almost all her classes. Despite several therapists, doctors, a brief hospitalization...