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  1. D

    Is it true that the 6-8week period is the worst? I can’t put my baby down in her cot without her waking :(

    @maryatheseeker Weeks 6-8/9 were the worst and when I felt like I got the most interrupted sleep. LO had a lot of bowel issues so we were using mylicon gas drops with every bottle, gripe water when he was old enough, and I started to incorporate more formula vs BM. I wasn’t producing enough so...
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    2.5 weeks away from Maternity Leave, after which I will not be returning to the workforce. How did you turn your work brain off?

    @summer63 I’m almost 8 months into being a SAHM and the first 6-10 weeks in so in the trenches of newborn-hood that you don’t even think about missing work. You’re barely sleeping and have a little human that depends on you 24/7 for everything. Your mindset shifts from ‘let me just reply to this...
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    Can we overfeed our babies?

    @mightyheart Yes, overfeeding is possible but you’ll absolutely know and likely never do it again. It happened to us once (projectile vomited on me 3 times middle of the night) and we backed down on his daily amount. I think that day he was close to 40oz somehow. We averaged 30-32oz a day for a...
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    @vespin We’ve only overfed (or at least I suspect) once and it resulted in screaming for 2 hours and projectile vomiting. Then he promptly fell asleep for the night and was totally fine the next day. He had about 2oz total more than his daily average when this happened. We went from level 1 to...