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  1. A

    Needing some other parents opinions....

    @eco Your house, your rules. They dont like it? Too bad. That said.. kids are kids. I used to sneak my boyfriend into my room at night when he would "sleep over on the couch". We cant supervise 100% 24/7. If they are going to have sex..better in a safe place than the streets or somewhere grose...
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    Selfish teenager 15f

    @cal In our home with our 1w year old daughter.. we set expectations and make them clear. You can live here BUT its expected that you will contribute somthing. You can have your space BUT its expected that you will maintain relationships within our family (aka.. no hiding out in your room for...
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    Are teens supposed to be this tired?

    @jen1458 Maybe a trip to the Dr for an irom test might be worth it, just to ensure no issues with iron or thyroid. The demands of the teenage brain and body do need more sleep. As a teen, i could easily sleep 10-12 hrs in a night. Most teenage brains dont wake up before 12 noon anyway, so being...