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  1. H

    5 year old gives different accounts to me and coparent of how he feels spending time with my new partner’s family

    @serventofyeshua Thank you. There have been 3 over 3 months, there could definitely definitely be something in that.
  2. H

    5 year old gives different accounts to me and coparent of how he feels spending time with my new partner’s family

    @rcr93 I believe her to an extent, but think that she’s maybe added her own spin on things. My son isn’t great at explaining himself and his reasons for things (he is 5 after all) so anything he’s said that’s not enthusiastic could have easily been turned into something bigger than it is. I...
  3. H

    5 year old gives different accounts to me and coparent of how he feels spending time with my new partner’s family

    For context, CP and I separated almost 4 years ago, we have 2 children together who are approaching 10 (F) and 6 (M). I have been with my new partner for 1 year and she has 3 children from a previous relationship. My kids always seem happy and affectionate with my partner and love spending...