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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @jiminz Thank you, ur totally right. Mental health should be first on my list of to do. Now, to just get him on board with it...that's a different story.
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @sparrowfeet You are absolutely right. I just needed to hear this. Thank you.
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @judgenotbutyourself The ex is definitely a huge influence, it has been a long and hard road since my divorce. It's difficult because I have another teen whom is opposite my son and I never wanted them to feel like i favored one or the other so I don't want to "give up" for lack of a better term...
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @hein Thank you so much for this info. I will look into this asap.
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @floodland You are 100 percent right.
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @sharonarrives Thank you for your encouraging words. I've definitely been listening to what everyone is saying, I need to step back and look at the bigger picture and mental health should be priority.
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @floodland I get this, but he won't take up any of my offers to pay for certification programs for these types of careers, or even putting in applications in the mall. And even the military needs a GED, tho he doesn't want to do that either. Really, I've tried every angle.
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @joshuaaa You are absolutely 💯. I need to focus on the anxiety and step back from the school. I just needed to hear it. Thank you for ur great advice.
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @bernard05 I know it's anxiety because I suffer from it you are definitely right, addressing this is the most important thing. I think it's a really good idea to offer him therapy. It's been so hard for me to accept that he didn't graduate and doesn't have a GED but I really do need to look at...
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    Parents, please help. I have a 18 yr old who as soon as he turned 18 (a junior) , quit HS. I have an ex whom my kid lives with 50 % of the time(before turning 18) and my ex has no job and lives with his mother. He did nothing to encourage my son to stay in school and I was always the one on the...