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  1. S

    Keeping house tidy

    @wh2 I have a very clean and tidy house. I have only one child who is 2.5 years old. I also have a husband who works from home and is fairly involved with childcare. My MIL comes over almost daily, we have a nanny that comes 3x a week (I don’t clean while she’s here) and a housecleaner that...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @utookmyname Yeah, I mean it’s gotta be age appropriate. A little kid strapped into a car seat is an absolute no, but a six year old who knows how to operate the doors and windows?
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    Keeping house tidy

    @katrina2017 I disagree. My house is very tidy. The worst it gets is a few toys scattered around the living room that take at most five minutes to clean up.
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @utookmyname Yes, this is an important thing to note. The perception of danger has increased, but the actual rate of child-related crimes by a stranger is still incredibly low. This has led to a culture of undue fear in which we are too scared to leave our children in the car for a few...
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    Anyone on here who’s partner isn’t an abusive a-hole?

    @vigilantrogue My partner is great! I think it helps that our relationship dynamic was pretty much the same before having kids (I haven’t contributed financially in over five years), so the transition was really seamless and natural. We’re equitable about childcare and always make sure we both...
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    Husband won’t open a joint account…. Thoughts?

    @pr0cessa Yes. This is textbook financial abuse.
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    I don’t get it

    @15gb2 I had to have a strict schedule or else I’d lose my mind. I completely lack the ability to intuitively understand my baby’s cues. Working off wake windows and doing oz feedings (I exclusively pumped) assured me that my child was sleeping enough and eating enough.