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  1. S

    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    @bigjake52 Except this. These aren't shortcomings. They are points of observation. They are meant to help clinicians see particular parts of brain and body development. The skills themselves aren't important. For instance, clapping isn't important. It is the ability to have both hands meet...
  2. S

    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    @cph This is invaluable advice. Especially considering ASQ III is used by doctors and social workers to assess development. If a test is done and the child is unsuccessful, it's important to consider why and ask yourself "what is the test trying to assess"?
  3. S

    wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

    @airel "I don't know! I've even tried shaking her!" That'll shut 'em up.