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  1. J

    Why is overworking a flex?

    @phareztamar Personally how fresh my mind is depends mostly on how my zzz was the night before. All things equal then yes, probably Friday is at a disadvantage. But sometimes it is the only day that works though!
  2. J

    Why is overworking a flex?

    @atlkate While I agree that it is unfair not letting OP take her fRiday afternoon off in this case (since compensated by working extra hours during the week), I have a hard time understanding those who think it is unacceptable to book meetings on regular Friday afternoons. We are getting paid...
  3. J

    Need to vent - accused of child abuse

    @999forever I totally get it - I would be so angry at being wrongly accused, and as per the above comment, coukd risk getting my child taken away if I expressed being pissed! I am so sorry you are going through this and hope it is over soon.
  4. J

    Need to vent - accused of child abuse

    @miracleboy That is so unprofessional from the SW or doctor though. Sure, let’s traumatize this kid (possibly for life) by separating them from their parents just because their parents pissed me off!
  5. J

    I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

    @gina It does help. I was recently super sick too and it helped me. It boosts your immune system
  6. J

    I think I was threatened at work today

    @dave567 That’s the thing though. A lot of older folks have the attitude of “I made it work, why can’t you?”. I suffered now it’s your turn kind of thing, and it’s so gross, not to mention completely anti feminist. Good for you for having the attitude you have!