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  1. L

    5 Year Old Screams to Disrupt Nap Time

    @steve333 That sounds like something that you could practice with her at home, maybe starting with a couple minutes at a time and working up from there. Maybe put a doll to bed and then practice being quiet together while it "sleeps"? Or pretend that a stuffy has a headache and loud noises will...
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    5 Year Old Screams to Disrupt Nap Time

    @steve333 What kinds of activities is the teacher giving her? Are there any activities that your daughter will do quietly when she's at home? I'm wondering if your daughter is the kind of kid who can turn anything into a noisy game, or if the teacher needs to offer more suitable quiet activities.
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    5 Year Old Screams to Disrupt Nap Time

    @steve333 So she's clearly upset, and wants her dad. But do you have any sense of why she's so upset, or why she wants the other kids to wake up?
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    5 Year Old Screams to Disrupt Nap Time

    @steve333 What does she say about why she's getting upset during nap time? If it's about the sudden drop in noise and excitement maybe she could be allowed to listen to music over headphones, if there's equipment available for that? Or if her behavior is solid the rest of the time, could she do...
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    Being a SAHM when you’re sick is impossibly hard

    @iampaul24 It's entirely ok to tell him that you're sick and you're going to be doing things differently today. Learning compassion and flexibility with people who, for whatever reasons, don't match his expectations of them is a life skill. Today is all about getting through the day however you...