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    Is it true that the 6-8week period is the worst? I can’t put my baby down in her cot without her waking :(

    @maryatheseeker Week 9 here, the contact sleep has definitely increased but on occasion he’ll give us a stretch of overnight sleep.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @jumpingin I might just stop with the gas drops first then see how it goes from there :)
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @dlmoodyfan Yes, yes, and yes. He has gotten gassier since we moved exclusively to formula (prior was combo feeding) in the last week. In his active sleep he often thrashes his head and I feel like that wakes him up 🥲. We’ve continued to do gas drops and probiotics on top of the other things to...
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @findchurch He definitely gives our arms a break at night 3-4 hours at a time to feed. Sometimes he gets up hourly but if I pop a pacifier in his mouth and it hasn’t been 4 hours since his last feed he goes right back to sleep. Also it seems he sleeps in longer stretches after 8:30pm so that’s a...
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @bobaganoosh Nap and bedtime routines have definitely cued to our LO it’s time to sleep but it’s the damn ww timing that we can’t seem to get right if he gets up after one cycle. This close to getting the Huckleberry Plus app to help with that for naps.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @bobaganoosh We noticed that too! Also trying to balance his awake/sleep times so that he gets enough “sleep pressure” to go to sleep.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @ivanilmatto Hey! This lasted till about week 9. Afterwards night sleep got better. He still gets up every 2-3 hours most nights. Some nights he gives us almost a 5 hour stretch and others he gets up every hour lol. It’s been wild but rolling with it! He turns 3 months next week :)
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @stargazzer My heart goes out to you! Please know that every day and night will look a little or a lot different for your LO. We’re coming up on week 9 (he makes 2 months officially today), and while he sleeps longer stretches at night, the length and duration changes daily, and when those...
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @beaconofhope Thank you for your words of encouragement! They give me hope we are one day closer to “better”. We ended up getting a SNOO on FB Marketplace and while it lulls him to sleep, I think he doesn’t like the constant rocking motion, so will try weaning mode heheh. We have done shifts as...
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @findchurch Hanging on to this testimony for hope!!!
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @sunia1 We just switched from the Sprout Baby app to Huckleberry and plan to use their sweet spot feature soon to help with independent daytime naps. We’ve gotten at least 1 3-hour stretch so far and he makes 8 weeks today! Hoping for more or longer stretches!
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @shiwang90 Ahh to hear from someone on the other side. Thank you for this reassuring message!
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @proudmommy17557 He used to tolerate both (crib for like one week) and then in the last week wakes up at the 40 minute mark for 95% of his independent sleeps. Just trying to endure this era.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @jayney81 Yes we WILL! Let’s keep each other posted when we make it to the other side.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @hamzah77 You are doing amazing! Hoping things are turning for the better and your LO!
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @yuhforex You’re doing great mama! Hope the flowers lull your LO to sleep. We’ll see if my LO will tolerate a stroll this afternoon.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @seawavy Hehe! Tummy massages, bicycle kicks and a bouncer have helped when it seemed our LO was backed up.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @dammy2k2 Interesting! I assumed my LO liked the crib because the mattress was softer than the bassinet but at one point he slept better in the bassinet than the crib lol. I swear their preferences change all the time.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @abenezer So true! My lil bean woke up at 7am this morning after a 50 minute nap and didn’t want to go back to sleep so we went outside for a bit.
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @lily76 My heart is with you! Do you have a partner or family/friend to give you a break?