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  1. D

    Is it true that the 6-8week period is the worst? I can’t put my baby down in her cot without her waking :(

    @maryatheseeker My LO is 11 weeks and still really only contact naps for all daytime naps (sleeps well overnight MOST of the time). Drives me nuts. All this started around 6 weeks and hasn’t stopped. I think I’ve just come to accept that this is life for the time being. I commented on another...
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    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    @lesliecraw I very much wish! I live in Australia and the sun is setting around 5:30pm. Usually my LO will have her final proper longer nap around that time of night. I’ve heard that once bubs is ready they’ll “drop” that last nap as a nap and trade it in for a new bed time. Every evening is a...
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    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    @cjs17 Yep, sounds like we’re somewhat in the same boat. 😅 Thank you for the thorough explanation. Even though obviously each bubs is unique and I can’t apply anything much that people tell me, its just nice to compare notes sometimes. I’ll just have to keep waiting for my LO to WANT to go to...
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    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    @cjs17 Out of curiosity, may I ask if your LO woke up/you woke them up in the morning at a certain time? My LO is favouring anywhere between 5-7am atm. Anytime before 7 I usually give her a feed and put her back to bed but I’m not sure if I’m stuffing up an early bedtime by doing so. I dunno…
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    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    @cjs17 Oh man! I’m happy for you! You needed that to happen. I’m on leave for a few more months, I feel like my LO can sense I have time to burn. 😭 My LO is 13.5 weeks now. I know it might still be a little young.
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    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    @lesliecraw I kid you not, I was going to write this post tonight because I’m in need of solidarity! I’m also battling with being trapped in the dark nursery with my LO every night from 7-8pm onwards as she catnaps once or twice before settling down to her first long chunk of sleep at 10-11pm...
  7. D

    is my breastmilk even good?

    @sadiegrace You should feel proud of the fact that you work so hard to have more than enough food for your LO! Seriously, awesome work! I don’t know how you pumping mamas do it! Its hard work. My 8.5 week old eats every 2-4 hours too. Overnight she’ll sleep her first block of sleep of anywhere...