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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    @feargodnotthem Yeah, I realize a lot of this is typical. But I don’t remember being so damn destructive when I was a preteen/teen. 😭
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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    @jwd I’ll check that book out, thank you. And I’ll try harder to keep my voice down. I don’t yell often - I don’t have to because in all other ways he’s a great kid - but about twice a year we hit this awful breaking point and I just lose my shit. I hate it! Because then on top of being...
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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    @seniorgirl I love these suggestions. I’m going to mention it to his therapist today and then delve into my personal failure/feelings Monday during my session. (I also see his same therapist, which works well because he’s got context for what we’re both going through.)
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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    @brad4god I have a Roomba but I have to manually run it because I have cats that puke. Roomba doesn’t know Not to glide through the cat puke, LMAO. But I’ve never heard of a LAWN ROOMBA! And it comes with It’s own little hut to protect it from the weather?! Like a lawn-ba doghouse! That’s...
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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    @brad4god This post was wonderfully thoughtful and inspiring but I’m hung up on one thing: you have a ROBOT cutting your GRASS?! WHERE DO I GET ONE?! and do they make them for laundry? LoL.
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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    @brad4god You’re also spot on about letting kids live with the consequences of their actions. Part of it is selfless - that I love him and don’t want him to fail - but another part of it is selfish in that when our kids fail, we suffer the consequences along with them. My mom has told me...
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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    @ljglazner I will order that book off Amazon immediately. I’m also ADD - back when I was diagnosed it was ADD or ADHD, and if it were still that way today my son would not be diagnosed with the hyperactivity part. He’s very lowkey and his ADHD presents as this flaky, flighty, “Prissy in the...
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    How do I make my son CARE about things?!

    I’m beyond frustrated. Edit to add: my son will be 13 in December. I’ll try to stay brief about the events that led to today being basically an all-day screaming match: He started by getting into some red food coloring on Halloween after he decided his inflatable chicken costume was too hot...