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  1. M

    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 My 10-year-old just started ballet last year. She goes to a girls-only studio that is pretty chill. It's not a competitive program, no one (even high school girls in pointe classes) wears makeup except stage makeup by the recital, and I haven't found them to be pushy about taking more...
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    How can you afford it?

    @puddingtader When something is important to you, you make it work.
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    when did you have your first?

    @guitarofgod I'm not sure. 2 under 2 is overwhelming. On the other hand, the older kid never has a memory of being the youngest, so they don't miss it. The one time I did not have 2 under 2 was when I had my April 2020 baby. Overwhelming for other reasons.
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    when did you have your first?

    @guitarofgod Married at 20. First at 21, then at 22, 24, a few weeks shy of 26, 28, and almost 30. I'm one of 9; my mother was also 20 when she got married. She ranged from 21 to 40 at our births.
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    Having a sixths baby?

    @alex_t Can't speak for having 6 - I have 5 right now, but I'm the second-oldest of nine with an age spread of almost 20 years. My mother was 40 when she had my youngest sister. I don't think any of us ever felt less loved by our parents. Love doesn't divide with every kid, it multiplies. I...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t sign my girls up for dance classes/extra curricular activities?

    @anonymous9299 My oldest is 10, and started ballet at the beginning of this school year for the first time (she was 9). She's the first one that we've signed up for a formal extra curricular activity. We've done many free workshops at the public library over the years. If any of my kids kept...
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    Morning routine inspiration

    @blessingsbe We don't have a TV, but I have a similar problem to you with my kids reading. So they are now responsible for packing their own snacks and backpacks, checking the school lunch menu to see if they like that day's lunch, and helping prepare an alternate lunch if they don't. I also...
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    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    @aog17 Totally not a big deal. We're a big family - nine kids - and it's been very convenient. My parents were almost always willing to watch my kids, because they had little ones, too. And I'll take my sister(s) for the day if my parents need me to. Four other siblings of mine have kids and...
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    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    @aog17 That's my family! My youngest sister is less than 3 years older than my oldest daughter. My oldest brother is a few month short of 20 years older than my youngest sister.
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    Reducing pumping but also still nursing on-demand? / Switch to floor bed?

    @titus With all my kids (six of them), I stopped pumping at a year but breastfed on demand whenever we were together until they wanted to stop on their own. I also usually have a bit of a freezer stash by the time they were 1, so I send it all to the daycare to keep in their freezer and they...
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    Toddler + Newborn + ?

    @exodus02 I had 3 under 3 with my oldest three for about nine weeks (I have six now). Not going to lie, it was the hardest parenting we did. Even with relatively smooth pregnancies and births, having three toddlers is really hard. At the time, I was teaching in a trade school very part time...
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    Traveling long distance with 6

    @brandon05w I don't know about flying - never did that with kids - but we just went on vacation last week with our 7 and we fit into 2 connecting hotel rooms. 2 people per bed (queen size) plus baby in the pack n play.
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    Crazy mornings

    @ktfw Related... I teach my kids when they're young what a 7 looks like on a digital clock and that they can come wake me when the first number is a 7. Then I had a very cute 3-year-old wake me up a 3:17am for breakfast because she mixed up which way to read it.