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    Y’all, Apparently I’m drinking tea wrong…

    @twimom My local pizza places gets all of its ingredients fresh! Right off the tree. Pickles, cheese, even whole pizza slices grow on the same tree.
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    School sending invites to a church fashion show

    @katrina2017 Yeah. I'm trying to rationalize the event and hope that the flyer just doesn't represent it well. But I don't think it's working lol.
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    School sending invites to a church fashion show

    @jamesdtyler My church did prom dress swaps so I could see them thinking that a fashion show was a good idea with the donated dresses. Or maybe if they taught a sewing class and then had the girls show off the dresses they made. Idk.
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    Stop telling me I'm going to ruin my kids!

    @whitebird I usually get the "parents of successful kids do these three things!" and then they describe authoritative parenting. Like, duh.
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    Anyone else feel like they’re walking on eggshells around their toddler?

    @charles72 My son is so contrary. Me: the sky is blue Son: NO ITS NOT!!!! ITS RED!!!!! Falls to the ground, kicking and screaming Me: okay then. It's red. Son: NO ITS NOT!!! ITS BLUE!!!! continues to kick and scream