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    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @1grace Love the term anecdata! lol
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    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @doulos7 Totally. The studies on this are very murky and it's just one more thing to stress over that is very hard to control. Anecdotally, one of the most anxious people I know is on her fourth pregnancy and has gotten pregnant on cycle 1 every time.
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    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @highonluna I don't know what people base this advice on! You don't need to relax to get pregnant. You might want to find ways to relax for your mental health, but not for your fertility. Stress away!
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    Just want help in making a decision about OAD

    @ababwaalijaz Yes! I actually also have a brother 8 years younger than I am and I have a good relationship with him. He was always little to me, not a playmate.
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    Just want help in making a decision about OAD

    @chadgervais All I can offer is that sibling relationships are not always special - there is no guarantee. My sister tormented me as a child and had a lot of problems that took a lot of attention away from me. I felt on my own a lot. Of course many have a different experience. I also wanted 2...
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    I’m so lost. Please help.

    @heathermig I agree with this. I also couldn’t stop thinking about it and am now TTC a second. I have the same fears about the risks of a second but I can’t let it go.
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    Sandwich era. Finances and other things

    @webslave It sounds like you shouldn't have another. Money does matter and people can say siblings are the best gift you can give your child, but financial security is a really really good gift. No guarantees about what their relationships will be. I'm one of 3 and I love my siblings, but we...
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    Help me grieve/get over this

    @danielson0101 Just solidarity. We're not done trying yet, but I only plan to give it another year because the limbo is really tough. When I think about the possibility that we may be done with one, I fantasize about all the things we'll be able to do and all the experiences we'll give our...
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    Decision taking over my life

    @chopper1690 I have a 3.5-year-old and for a long time I considered being OAD for the reasons you mentioned. If we had lots of cousins nearby I think it's likely I wouldn't have tried for a second, but we have no family in this state and decided to try and now we will have a little over a 4-year...