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  1. T

    Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

    @olivemcr I'm the same age and currently 14m PP without a period. I recently requested a blood test from my GP to make sure I wasn't deficient in anything, but my GYN said she wasn't concerned. She did say though that more than two years without a period could potentially increase the long term...
  2. T

    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot Download the app Sweepy. You input each room, the tasks in it, and the frequency you want them done. You can also assign a difficulty level for each task, how much you can do per day (say you have 10 points available on Tuesday then it will give you 5 2-point items or a mix, each task...