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  1. S

    what's fair when one parent travels half the week?

    @idontknow My husband travelled a lot pre-COVID (like 50-75%) and honestly not much changed in regards to splitting the labor 🙄. I know that's partially my fault. He's now looking at a new job that will require up to 50%, so we will need to discuss this and find a better solution. We...
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    My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

    @smultronst%C3%A4llet Yes! My aunt passed away a few years ago and my mom (so her SIL) and I found out at her funeral that her real name was Martha, and not Elaine. Our minds were blown.
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    PUMP Act blocked

    @lackadaisical Their goal is to have all women be SAHMs, and completely dependent on men. How many posts a week do we get on here with women saying they'd rather quit than go back to work at 6 weeks, or how it's not sustainable to keep their supply up because they have to pump in a storage room?
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    OPINIONS WANTED - evaluating this maternity leave policy (in the U.S.)

    @yarnknitting I'd say that's pretty good for the US. It's definitely more than I got. Can you use vacation too?
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    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    @myles0 I can relate. I started working from home permanently about 9 months before COVID because my company moved office locations and my commute was going to double. We have a large parrot and he never really bothered me that much until I had to work from home. Even though he doesn't...