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  1. H

    Homework in kindergarten immersion school

    @looploop Our teacher has been telling us that they will reteach all the kinder material in first grade so we shouldn’t stress too much. But then again I kind of want to set the precedent that if there is homework he should do it. It is kind of frustrating, I have a feeling that even one more...
  2. H

    Today, during a phone interview, I breastfed and put my 10 m/o down for a nap

    @panikos Wow ! You sound amazing. I had a way less stressful situation where I talked for the recruiter while nursing my 2 months old. It was a phone call so the recruiter couldn’t tell and it kept the 2 months old quiet, so it was perfect. For the actual interview I wasn’t sure how a baby would...
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    Homework in kindergarten immersion school

    @jadiencf I guess in theory our homework is optional too because they’re not graded on it and if they’re sick or something they don’t need to be made up. But in practice the kids will be quizzed on the materials later so I want to help him practice and prepare and homework is a good way to do...
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    Homework in kindergarten immersion school

    @marsoco I mean it’s a public school lottery system and we knew we wanted to go to a Chinese immersion, but it’s basically that we got the lottery to go there and we were pretty happy. I guess I’ll talk to other parents at the school and see what they do. Maybe we’ll just try our best to finish...
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    Homework in kindergarten immersion school

    @marsoco Trace the first few times, rest is independent
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    Homework in kindergarten immersion school

    @marsoco Yeah I have no problem reading to him, he likes it anyways and we do about 20-50 min a day usually (I think he wants to delay bedtime and his dad usually loves reading with him so they can read a lot). The homework though is a lot of tracing characters or letters and he doesn’t like it...
  7. H

    Homework in kindergarten immersion school

    How much does homework matter in kindergarten, in an immersion school? My 5 yo goes to a Chinese immersion school and they send home a homework packet that’s about 8 pages long, to be completed between Wed and Sunday. It’s about half Chinese half English. I think even in china, I didn’t get...