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  1. E

    Help for behavior at wits end

    @katrina2017 Wow I will right now thank you
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @rachellee Yea they tend to egg each other on telling the little one to taste (non edible ) or do something he shouldn’t I definitely gotta tell him that thanks for all the help I’ve been implementing the counting today so far so great thank you so much
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @rachellee I like this one chance to correct it I’ll try it today so say I’ll explain if you are doing an unacceptable behavior I will give you a chance to correct it if you do not there will be consequences take the chair dance for example if they do it I’ll say he this is unacceptable please...
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @rachellee Oh the potty mouth jar is so fascinating thank you for that insight yea so if they cry I feel bad like I’m causing trauma or hurting them and give in and say ok next time say they are spitting food (they like to do this with yogurt they eat it but somehow is fun for them to talk with...
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @lawer Thank you
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @lawer Yea super stable and safe which has got me super puzzled about this behavior im the one that’s with them and I don’t talk / behave like this so its super confusing
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @lawer Wow I’ll try it set up a board today at nap time I don’t want to end up screaming at them or anything I guess that’s why I cry the frustration is too much of course I don’t intend for them to see me but sometimes they notice the tears welling up thank you so much anything helps
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @tjd I love this thank you so much I will check it out thanks so much they do often say they will poo and pee on each other but don’t actually thanks so much for the reassurance
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @comradez I love this!!!! The toy example is wonderful yes so they cry and I feel bad and give in and say next time … so now they might feel they can toy with me I just don’t want them to cry or feel hurt it feels like I’m neglecting them I can remove a toy then question about the parking lot ...
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @comradez I like this a lot please elaborate on said consequences please I need all the help I can get also how would this method work in times of emergency (think running into a busy street or parking lot ) my almost 3 year old will wriggle out my hand and run off I’ve avoided the counting...
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @joseph92 This is so true you are absolutely correct if they are not listening now then what do I have to lose thank you
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @nickel Thanks will try this one I’ve been hesitant with the counting it’s just God forbid they are in a dangerous situation think running towards street or in a parking lot I need them to react right away not until I count down how would you handle something like that ?
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @joseph92 That makes sense so many different methods I’m glad you were able to piece it together after all we are our children’s parents for a reason you are a great mom thank you so much for all your words of wisdom it’s one thing being defiant (yes it’s tough and it hurts ) but the spitting...
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @joseph92 Yes I don’t want yelling and definitely no hitting I know those behaviors affect children in such a negative way there are so much research especially during this super delicate formative years and even if older that can make them violent depressed and God knows what else I guess I...
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    @rachelanne84 Ok thank you I’ll check it out not sure which parenting method I should use moving forward does it mention one in the course ?
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    Help for behavior at wits end

    A literal cry for help I have two sons I’m not sure what I am doing wrong I am a stay at home mom (I do free lance but only during nap time not while they are up) my Almost 3 stomps at me defiantly says ”no you do it” whenever I ask him please pick up your toys or please close the door behind...
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    What do you do to keep yourself sane?

    @mikeytosh Moms group, library , playground and a hobby or two your baby is super young so going even to coffee shop and museums places where other adults are you can baby wear to not deal with bulky strollers all the time
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    I need some input

    @treetreetop Not crazy way better IMO you’d have your routine at home he can bond with sibling more as well these years are so crucial at home if you can