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    I'm officially sterilized!

    @mgreene05 Congrats!! I’m scheduled in two weeks and I’m 28.
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    @holypath Yes! I’m 28 with one kid and just had mine done. I have to say I was very lucky to have an awesome doctor who didn’t even question me. Just gave me the risks, percentage of women that regret it, and why they recommend the man gets a vasectomy. But didn’t push back at all. Not sure if...
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    Wish I could, but I know better

    @sembuya This is the point that really drove it home for us. My brother and I are 3 years apart and have never been close. In fact, we aren’t even speaking right now. But I’ve been best friends with my childhood friend for almost 25 years now.
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    pUt ThE bAbY dOwN

    @lisarebecca Yeah definitely not going to ruin him. We were told the same and one day he just started napping better in his own. Baby’s do things at their own pace no matter what “rules” you follow.
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    Why can’t people mind their own business?

    @kurtschultz I hate it. After having my son I’ve been way more aware of what I say to other parents. I think sometimes it’s an automatic response and a conversation starter but it’s just inappropriate. My sons daycare lady, who he’s been with since he was 3 months old, is always making comments...