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    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    @kaat1623 Unfortunately since bed time has been what it is since that 6mo mark when we did as suggested and moved it back to have a later nap he ended up waking up at the same time or even earlier. That was the third thing I tried to adjust… it didn’t help that my husband felt as though we...
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    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    @kaat1623 We have routines that we established when we started sleep training. Bath time starts at 6:30 then around 7 we’re all done bath and we brush teeth while we listen to Dance Mode from bluey. We get pjs on and then read goodnight little blue truck. We say goodnight, I lay him down tuck...
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    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    @jzhanglsw Thank you.
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    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    @judilyn55 Is it safe for health and development to allow him to not nap? The break is nice, yes, but I’m more afraid of stunting him and his development by not allowing his brain the shut down during the day.
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    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    @baboo We’ve already been through the molars thankfully. He’s always been ahead of the curve in everything. He’s taller than average, larger than average, he met every developmental step early. He’s ahead on his speech, learning, recognition… I just wasn’t sure if him dropping his nap before 3...
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    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    Okay first time mom and my son is my only child at this point. He just turned 2.5 and for the last couple of weeks he has been back and forth on refusing naps. Some days he only cries for a few minutes others it’s full screams. It started when we ended up having to skip a nap when we took a...